US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating

US Figure Skating

US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating
US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating US Figure Skating

Building a 📱mobile-first platform for members, skaters⛸️, and coaches, accessible on or off the 🧊ice.

Join Us, mobileHome page, mobileNavigation , mobile

Revamping the US Figure Skating's Event Management System (EMS) presented a fascinating UX challenge, bridging the gap between complex event management and a seamless user experience, especially in high-stakes, on-site competition scenarios.

The EMS is a platform for organizing, registering, and managing figure skating events, handling logistics like scheduling, music, entries, and results. Previously hampered by a non-mobile-friendly interface, slow load times, and cumbersome processes, our redevelopment aimed to blend utility and aesthetic into a minimalist, user-centric design, placing pivotal importance on the mobile user experience.


USFSA EMS original screenshot


  • EMS E-commerce mobile screen
  • EMS mobile home landing
  • EMS reserve practice ice mobile screen
  • EMS Edit Music selection mobile screen
  • EMS edit and select PPC mobile screen
  • EMS Music & PPC mobile landing
  • EMS create an account mobile screen
  • EMS create an account step 1 mobile screen
  • EMS Volunteer Opportunities screen
  • EMS competition registration mobile screen
  • EMS competition registration My Skate Test
  • EMS competition registration overview
  • EMS Admin Portal, check-in
  • EMS Admin Portal, edit roster
  • EMS Check-in confirmed

As Creative Director, I shaped the vision and execution of the USFS EMS redesign, collaborating closely with a multi-disciplinary team of creative, UX, development, project management, and client stakeholders. I worked to streamline the visual design and interaction patterns, ensuring they aligned with the diverse needs of skaters, coaches, and event managers. By simplifying workflows, improving the information hierarchy, and adopting a mobile-first approach, we transformed a complex, outdated interface into an intuitive and accessible platform. The result is a seamless experience where users can easily register for competitions, manage profiles, and update routines or music, even in high-pressure event settings.

The outcomes were clear: support tickets dropped, traffic increased, the project scope expanded, and we garnered positive press from industry publications, including U.S. Skating Magazine.

Header for screens related to Skaters & CoachesHeader for screens related to Teams & Volunteers

6 releases. 2 years. 18 modules of the EMS.

Practice Ice
EMS reserve practice ice mobile screen
Music & PPC
EMS Music & PPC mobile landing
Series Standings
EMS Series Standings & Rankings
EMS competition registration mobile screen
Header for screens related to Teams & Volunteers
Team Portal
EMS Team competition Portal
Team personnel
EMS Competition team personnel
Shift schedule
EMS my volunteer schedule
Shift selection
EMS volunteer shift selection

Team manager scenario

Team Registration — A major focal point of the project was the Team Registration process. This feature facilitates registration by coaches and managers, ensuring their eligibility to view and edit Competition Registration for their respective teams. Our optimized flow streamlined the process, minimizing errors and enhancing the overall experience for these pivotal users. As a team manager, I need to take various steps in order to register one of my teams for a competition. Competition list – As a team manager, I need to be able to see a list of competitions available for team registration. I need to see the registration deadline for an individual competition. And as USFS, we want to highlight registration deadlines in certain cases to notify users that immediate action may be required. I need competitions lists separated into sets of qualifying and non-qualifying competitions. I need to be able to see when I’m already registered for a competition. Team Verification – As a team manager, I need to verify my team information is accurate before advancing in the registration process. I need to be able to edit my team’s name and see confirmation upon completion in the event it is incorrect. Editing Comptetion Roster – As a coach or team manager, I want to be able to identify the roster of skaters who will be participating on my team at the competition.

Our Process

We followed a loose agile framework and philosophy, tackling this large project in multiple batches over the course of 2 years. We met with the client weekly, and documented the complex requirements for each feature while gaining an in-depth understanding of functionality and user journeys. Each sprint included 5 phases.

lightbulb icon
document with checklist icon
drawing pencil icon
terminal computer icon
cloud with uppload arrow icon