promised land dairy product shot
Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy

Promised Land Dairy

Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy
Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy Promised Land Dairy

Promised Land Dairy, a brand known for their uniquely bred cows šŸ® and creamy, rich (and frankly delicious) šŸ«chocolate šŸ„›milk, asked us to modernize their out-of-date website šŸ“± while aligning with their current visual identity.

Promisded Land Dairy Home, desktop

Within a limited timeline & budget, I helped manage the creative direction and visual design of the website, while working in a semi-agile process with UX and technology team members. We simplified the navigation and architecture, and developed fully responsive templates utilizing the current underlying framework. All while hitting our target launch date and coming in within-budget.

Promised Land Dairy Navigation, desktop Promised Land Dairy Where To Buy Page, desktop
Menu Screen, mobileHome page, mobileProduct Page, mobile